Zdravo! :)
Mesec je spet naokoli, in spet je čas, da delim z vami moje najljubše meseca avgusta. Da se izdelki iz julija ne bi ponavljali (ta blog lahko pogledate tu), imam seveda nov seznam najljubših v mesecu avgustu. Pa začnimo!
Hello! :) 
Month is around, and again it's time to share with you my monthly favourites of August. That the products of July would not be repeated, I have a new list of favourite in the month of August. Here we go!

1.)   Afrodita cosmetics skin care products
Izdelki za nego kože od Afrodite, so bili moj nepogrešljiv del vsakdana že od sredine julija. V avgustu so bile opazne tiste bistvene spremembe, ki so spremenile moje mnenje o izdelkih za nego kože. Več o tem si preberite tukaj, saj sem o izdelkih pisala v prejšnjem blogu.
Skin-care products from Afrodita, were an indispensable part of my daily routine since mid-July. In August, were those visible significant changes that have changed my opinion on skin care products. For more information, see here, because I wrote the review about products in the previous blog.

2.)   EOS lip balm
 Tudi o EOS lip balmu sem že pisala (klikni tukaj), vendar sem spremenila tisto bistveno mnenje o produktu, glede česar me je na začetku razočaral: ni bil lepo mazljiv, kot sem pričakovala, imel je nekakšen hrapav občutek. AMPAK pozor, to se je spremenilo! Ne vem, ali je to običajno, da po večkratni uporabi balzam nekako spremeni konsistenco, ali pa je na to vplivalo tistih nekaj dni toplejšega ozračja, da ga je malo zmehčalo. :) Ima katera izkušnje? Skratka, zdaj je balzam tudi nepogrešljiv del mojega vsakdana, in ga počasi konkretno primanjkuje. ;)
Even about EOS lip balm I wrote (click here), but I changed that significantly opinion about the product and to which I was initially disappointed: not a nice spreadable than I expected, it was kind of rough feeling. BUT beware, this has changed! I do not know whether it is normal that after repeated use balm somehow change the consistency, or is it influenced those few days of warmer climate, it is a little softer. :) Has anyone experience? In short, now is the balm also an indispensable part of my daily routine. ;)

3.)   5 in 1 beauty care massager
Supeeeeer stvarca! :) Verjetno ste že slišali o opevanih Clarisonic skin cleansing napravah? Ti stanejo konkretno nad 100 evrov, tale moj »malček« pa izpod 5 evrov. :) Ne bom rekla, da se lahko v kakovosti primerja z njimi, ampak zame deluje. Uporabljam ga vsaj enkrat tedensko (ne vsakodnevno), in mi je všeč, da kožo lepo očisti. Uporaba je prijetna, občutek super, in to pri meni najbolj šteje. Vsekakor si bom v prihodnosti kupila kakšen podoben boljši izdelek, ampak zaenkrat sem s tem zadovoljna. :) Naročila sem ga na eBayu, priloženih je pa vse skupaj 5 nastavkov, čeprav jaz po večini uporabljam samo enega. Vsekakor je bil izdelek vreden svojega denarja, in še brez poštnine!
Greaaaat thing! :) You've probably heard of the widely acclaimed Clarisonic skin cleansing devices? They actually cost more than 100 euros, this my "little guy" is below 5 euros. :) I will not say that the quality compares with them, but for me it works. I use it at least once a week (not every day), and I like that cleaned skin beautiful. Use is cozy, feeling great, and this for me counts the most.  In any case, I will buy in the future, similar to that  product, just a better one, but so far I'm happy with this. :) I ordered it on eBay, attached to all a total of 5 bits, although I mostly use just one. In any case, the product is worth your money and postage excluded!

4.)   Irish cream cappuccino

Ste ga že poskusili? Če postanete odvisni, potem se opravičujem, ampak tako je dober! :) Srečanje s tem cappuccinom sem imela že med opravljanjem pripravništva v bolnišnici, ko sem na kavnem avtomatu zagledala takrat še nepoznano vrsto razvade, in … bila je ljubezen na prvi okus, hahaha! ;) Prejšnji mesec sem ta cappuccino zagledala v Müllerju, in v sekundi je pristal v moji nakupovalni košarici. :) Če radi poskušate nove okuse, vsekakor priporočam, je res odličen. ;)

Have you already tried? If you become dependent, then I apologize, but it's so good! :) I had meeting with the cappuccino while ago, performing traineeships in the hospital, when I saw in the coffee machine at that time still unknown type of habit, and ... it was love at first taste, hahaha! ;) Last month I saw this cappuccino in Müller, and in seconds it ended up in my shopping cart. :) If you like trying new flavours, I definitely recommend it, it really great taste. ;)

5.)   Manhattan soft mat loose powder

Zaključni puder v prahu, v odtenku št.1, natural, obraz matira in fiksira. Uporabljam ga pri vsakodnevnem ličenju, saj imam mešano do mastno kožo, in moram reči, da sem pozitivno presenečena. Sicer mi ta znamka ličil nikoli ni bila nekaj »wow«, ampak sem se odločila poskusiti, in bila prijetno presenečena. Obraz res lepo matira. Poleg je prisotna tudi gobica za nanos, ampak jaz puder rajši nanesem z velikim čopičem, saj tako res izgleda bolj naravno in ne pušča sledi v gubicah, kot jih lahko pri nanosu z gobico. Koža mi ostane matirana kar dolgo časa, nekje do 6 ur, kar je pri meni že veliko, saj se ponavadi začnem kar hitro svetiti na T – coni. Res pa je, da so k temu pripomogli tudi pravilni izdelki za nego kože (glej točko št.1), kar naredi ogromno razliko.

Puder se koži lepo prilagodi, čeprav imam sama temnejši ten kože, in ne naredi »ghost« učinka, kar je velik plus!

Finish loose powder in shade No.1, natural, face mattifying and fixed. I use it for everyday makeup, because I have combination to oily skin, and I must say that I was positively surprised. Otherwise, that makeup brand has never been a "wow" for me, but I decided to try, and I was positively surprised. It making the face really nice. In addition, it is also present in the sponge for application, but I prefer applied 
with a large brush, as it really looks more natural and leaves no trace in the lines, as they can during the application of a sponge. My skin stays matte for quite a long time, somewhere to 6 hours, which is for me a lot, because usually begin as soon shine on the T - zone. It is true that they also contributed to this correct skin care products (see No. 1), which makes a huge difference. 
Loose skin is nicely adjusted, even though I own a darker skin tone, and does not do "ghost" effect, which is a big plus!

6.)   Catrice camouflage cream
Moj novi concealer, ki je nadomestil starega od Bourjoisa. Priporočila mi ga je blogerka Katja Spanka, in deluje! ;) Tako da, Katja, hvala! :)
Imam ga v odtenku 030 Rosy beige, cena je bila nekje do 2,5 evra, je bil ravno na znižanju v Müllerju, ko sem nakupovala. Sicer ni boljši od Bourjoisovega, ki sem ga uporabljala prej, saj je pri uporabi čutiti, da je »težji« na koži, in v zelo toplem in vlažnem okolju ni tako zelo obstojen kot moj prejšnji concealer, ampak vsekakor vreden svojega denarja, in ga bom vsekakor še kupila, ko mi ga zmanjka. Glede na to, da od Bourjoisa concealer stane okoli 8 evrov, je ta od Catrice vsekakor denarnici bolj prijazen. In če ne opravljaš napornega dela, bo ta concealer sigurno dobro deloval zate, brez skrbi! ;)
My new concealer, which replaced old from Bourjois. Recommendations to me by blogger Katja Spanka, and it works! ;) So, Katja, thank you! :) 
I got it in shade 030 Rosy Beige, price was somewhere up to 2.5 euro, it was on sale in Müller when I was shopping. It is not better than Bourjois that I used earlier, as in the use of felt that "heavier" on the skin and in very warm and moist environment is not so stable as my previous concealer, but definitely worth your money, and I will definitely still buy when I run out. Given that the Bourjois concealer costs about 8 euros this from Catrice definitely more wallet-friendly. And if you are not doing hard work, this concealer certainly worked well for you, do not worry! ;)

7.)   Uhančki / Earrings
Naj vam predstavim svoje super luštne uhančke, ki sem jih v mesecu avgustu nosila non-stop! Ali niso čudoviti? :) In cena? Cel dolar! Torej še manj kot evro. ;) Naročila sem jih na eBayu, iz Azije, in še brez poštnine. Kaj čem lepšega? Vem, da bi pri nas stali takšni uhančki najmanj 2 evra, in da je lepo podpirati domače, ampak tale nakup se je vsekakor izplačal, in mi ni žal, priznam. Nekako sem v zadnjem letu postala ljubiteljica mini uhanov. Prej niti pomislila nisem na takšne, saj so bili zame obvezni viseči in veliki uhani, zdaj pa je očitno prišel tisti čas, ki mu jaz pravim, da se staram. ;) Občasno si še nadenem viseče uhane, npr. za pijačo s prijateljico, da se počutim malo bolj samozavestno, ampak to je to. :) Manj je več, pravijo. ;)
Let me introduce my super cute earrings that I wore in the month of August, non-stop! Are not they gorgeous? :) And the price? The whole dollar! So much less than the euro. ;) I ordered them on eBay, from Asia, and postage excluded. Is not that cool? I know it would cost earrings like this at least 2 euros in our country, and it's nice to support local, but this purchase has definitely paid off, and I do not regret, I admit. I'm kind of in the last year become a fan of mini earrings. Previously, I did not even think to such as they were for me the mandatory suspension and big earrings, but now it's obviously got the time, I like to say that I'm getting old. ;) Sometimes I still put on hanging earrings, for example for a drink with a friend, I feel a little more confident, but that's it. :) Less is more, they say. ;)

8.)   Nag champa dišeče palčke / fragrant sticks
Moja stara jaz je v tem mesecu prišla nekako spet na površje. S temi dišečimi indijskimi palčkami me je obsedla nekdanja sostanovalka, za kar sem ji hvaležna iz vsega srca. :) Sicer je vonj kar močan, tako da vsekakor ne bi bil vsem všeč, ampak meni je! ;) Tako zelo, da sem spraznila celo škatlico, in si rabim kupiti novo. Teh dišečih palčk sem že toliko pokurila v življenju, da je številka že kar tri-mestna. :) Rada imam takšne zadeve, in pa tudi čajne svečke, ki so obvezen del mojega večera pred spanjem, saj se tako res bolje sprostim, in še romantično je. ;) Te palčke so moje najljubše, in če kdo ne ve, kaj mi kupiti za darilo, je to vsekakor zadetek! :) Te modre so moje najljubše, so mi pa zelo všeč tudi črne, od iste znamke. Imam rada tudi vonj po pomarančah, cimetu in jabolkih, ampak niso tako intenzivni, kot so te.
My old self is in this month somehow came back to the surface. These fragrant Indian sticks I was obsessed by former roommate, for which I am grateful to her with all my heart. :) Otherwise, the smell is strong, so that definitely would not everyone like them,  but I do! ;)  I just emptied a box, and I need to buy a new one. These scented sticks I've burned so much in life that number has three digits. :) I love such matters, and as well as tea lights, which are a mandatory part of my bedtime, for better relax, and it is romantic . ;) These sticks are my favourite, and if someone does not know what to buy me for a gift, this is definitely a goal! :) These blue are my favourite, but I really like the black from the same brand too. I love the smell of oranges, cinnamon and apples, but not as intense as this.

9.)   Sally Hansen lak za nohte / nail polish
Prvič sem ta lak zagledala na nohtih YouTuberke Jen iz clothesencounters, in se takoj zaljubila vanj! Je v barvi Pacific blue. Prejšnji mesec sem opazila, da imajo to barvo laka v spletni trgovini Destination Pretty, in sem si ga naročila brez razmisleka. Naredim samo en nanos, kar je zame velik plus, saj sem pri nanosih laka bolj lena, in se mi ne da dolgo časa ubadati z ustvarjanjem. Tako da ta lak vsekakor priporočam nestrpnim puncam, kot sem sama. ;)
The first time I saw this polish on the nails YouTube star Jen from clothesencounters, and immediately fell in love with it! It is the color blue Pacific. Last month I noticed that this nail polish is in online Slovenian store Destination Pretty, and I got a contract without consideration. I make only one application, which is a big plus for me, because I'm more lazy at doing my nails. So this nail polish definitely recommend impatient girls like myself. ;)

10.)    YouTube oseba meseca / person of the month
Zoella (Zoe Sugg)! :) Še ena izmed mojih najljubših, ki se je ne naveličam. Punca je doma iz Brightona, in je ena največjih YouTuberjev. Preprosta, nasmejana, igriva, prisrčna. S svojo energijo me spominja na mojo nekdanjo sostanovalko, ki je ravno tako en velik sonček, in ko gledam videe od Zoelle, se vedno spomnim nanjo.  Še en razlog več, da jo obožujem! :) Vsekakor si poglejte njen kanal na Youtubu, če še niste slišali zanjo. ;)
Zoella (Zoe Sugg)! :) Another one of my favourite, which I adore. The girl is from Brighton, and is one of the biggest YouTube stars. Simple, cheerful, playful, cute. With her energy reminds me of my former roommate, who is also a big sunshine, and when I watch videos from Zoella, I always remember at her. One more reason that I love her! :) In any case, if you have not heard of her, you look at her channel on YouTube . ;)

Tako, to je bilo za mesec avgust vse. Upam, da radi berete takšne bloge. :)
Če imate še kakšne ideje ali želje za bloge, pa kar napišite, bom vesela predlogov. ;)
This was all for the month of August. I hope you like reading these blogs. :)
If you have any ideas or wishes for blogs, about what to write, I'm glad of proposals. ;)
Lepo se imejte! / Have a nice day! 



  1. O, hvala! :) Dobrodošla kadarkoli! ;)
    Ja, tudi sama sem začudena glede uhanov...jst mislim, da je to dozorevanje (beri: izogbanje besedi staranje) ;)


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