Zdravo! / Hello!
Pred nekaj dnevi sem si privoščila malo novih izdelkov.
Punce, saj veste kako je, če ti na poti
stoji DM. ;)
Med drugim sem si kupila tudi zanimivo zadevo, ki sem jo
že pred časom raziskovala na internetu, pa je v Sloveniji do sedaj še nisem
zasledila. In ko sem na Catrice polički zagledala maskaro s posebnimi vlakni za
volumen in podaljšanje trepalnic, sem
vedela, da bo moja. :) Na žalost nimam ravno bogatih trepalnic, zato sem se jo
res veselila preizkusiti. Cena maskare je bila okoli 4 evre.
A few days ago I
afford to myself a few new products. Girls, you know how it is when DM shop
stand on your way. ;)
Among other things,
I bought an interesting thing, I've already ahead of time researching on the
Internet, but in Slovenia so far I have not yet stumbled on. And when I saw on
the Catrice shelves mascara with special fibers for volume and eyelash
extensions, I knew that it will be mine. :) Unfortunately, I do not have exactly
rich eyelashes, so I was really excited to try it. Price of mascara was around
4 euros.
Za maskaro z vlakni piše sledeče:
Princip povečanja. Posebna vlakna
ustvarijo hiter volumen in učinek podaljšanja. Preprosto nanesite svojo
priljubljeno maskaro in nato - ko je maskara še mokra - še sloj maskare Lash
Extension Fibres. Za konec nanesite še eno plast maskare. Rezultat:
neprimerljivo goste in dolge trepalnice.
For the mascara fiber writes the following:
principle of the increase. Special fibers to create a fast volume and the
effect of the extension. Simply apply your favorite mascara and then - when it
is still wet mascara - even layer of mascara Lash Extension Fibres. To finish,
apply a second coat of mascara. The result: unparalleled thick and long
Odločila sem se, da izdelek preizkusim z dvema
različnima maskarama, ki ju trenutno imam: od Bourjoisa Volume 1 Second
(waterproof), in pa Jordana Best lash extreme volumizing mascara.
decided to try a product with two different mascaras that I currently got from
Bourjois Volume 1 Second (waterproof), and Jordana Best Lash Extreme volumizing
Z rezultatom sem bila zadovoljna. Presenečena
sem bila nad Jordanino maskaro, saj je bil učinek glede podaljšanja trepalnic z
uporabo Catrice maskare z vlakni bolj opazen, kot pri Bourjoisovi maskari. Na
žalost, je bil pa končni videz bolj »spidery«, kot pri Bourjoisevi.
Bolj mi ustreza kombinacija z Bourjois
maskaro, saj ima gumijasto krtačko, ki trepalnice med seboj lepše loči. Tako da
priporočam, da če se odločite za nakup Catrice maskare z vlakni, uporabite
maskaro, ki ima krtačko, ki trepalnice med seboj lepše loči, saj je na koncu
učinek dosti boljši.
Slike pa povedo vse. :)
I was
pleased with the result. I was surprised over Jordana mascara, because the
effect concerning the extension of eyelashes using Catrice fiber mascara was more
noticeable than with Bourjois mascara. Unfortunately, the final look it was
more "spidery", as in Bourjois.
The more
suits me a combination with Bourjois mascara, because it has brush of the
rubber, which lashes each other better separated. So I recommend, that if you
decide to buy Catrice mascara with fiber, use a mascara that has a brush, which
lashes each other better separated, because effect at the end is much better.
say it all. :)
Lepo se imejte! / Have a
nice day! ♥
No mascara on.
1 coat of Bourjois mascara (on the upper lashes).
Catrice fibre mascara.
Final look with Bourjois + Catrice mascara (left eye).
Final look with Jordana + Catrice mascara (right eye).
Before and after. :)
Uau, je kar razlika :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes je! :)
IzbrišiJe zanimiva zadevica, ja! ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiOjoj...vidiš, na to pa nisem bila pozorna :( Bom za drugič vedela, da zadevo malo bolj preučim. Jaz ne nosim očal, tako da iskreno povem, nisem niti pomislila na to, kaj šele preverila. Ampak dobro, da si napisala, bom naslednjič bolj pozorna. :) Mislim pa, da če bi si to zadevico nanesla samo bolj na konice trepalnic, da n bi smela imeti problemov ...
OdgovoriIzbrišiSrečno! ;)
Tole izgleda pa super zadeva! :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes je! ;)