SOČNA TORTICA / Juicy cake

Danes sem se odločila, da z vami delim preprost recept za okusno torto. Rada raziskujem in preizkušam nove recepte, in si jih potem priredim po svojem okusu. Za nadev je napisanih več možnih variant, ki si jih lahko izberete po svojem okusu. 
Today I decided to share with you a simple recipe for a delicious cake. I like to explore and experiment with new recipes, and then you can host what you like. For the topping there is several possible variants that you can choose according to your taste.

-          3 jajca
-          3 žlice navadne moke
-          3 žlice sladkorja
-          ½ vrečke pecilnega praška
-          Kakav po želji

- 3 eggs 
- 3 tbsp plain flour 
- 3 tablespoons sugar 
- ½ bag of baking powder 
- Cocoa Optional

Najprej pri jajcih ločimo rumenjake od beljakov. Beljake stolčemo v trd sneg. Nato dodamo rumenjake in sladkor. Zmešamo moko in pecilni prašek, ter ga med počasnim mešanjem dodajamo v maso. Sama pri tem najraje uporabim silikonsko lopatko. Če želite, dodate tudi kakav.
Za boljšo sočnost testa lahko potem, ko je testo pečen, polijete po njem 0,5 dcl mleka ali vode.

First, the egg yolks separated  from whites. Mixed whites in stiff foam. Then, add the egg yolks and sugar. Mix the flour and baking powder, and add them during slow stirring into the mixture. I rather use a silicone spatula. If you want to, add cocoa. 
For a better juiciness, after the dough is baked,  you can spill about 0,5 dl milk or water.

-          košarica jagod (500g)
-          500 ml sladke smetane (najboljša v tem primeru je rastlinska)
-          60 g sladkorja
-          30 g želatine (v prahu)

1. Strawberry filling: 
- Basket of strawberries (500g) 
- 500 ml of sweet cream (the best in this case is the vegetable cream) 
- 60 g of sugar 
- 30 g of gelatin (powdered)

Polovico jagod narežemo na koščke, polovico jih pa zmešamo s paličnim mešalnikom. Smetano stepemo, med stepanjem počasi dodamo želatino in sladkor. Na koncu počasi vmešamo tudi jagode.

Half of the strawberries cut into pieces, half of them mixed with an immersion blender. Whisk the cream and slowly add in gelatin and sugar. At the end slowly stir in the berries.

Postopek je popolnima isti, kot pri jagodnem nadevu, le na namesto jagod uporabimo 2 veliki banani.

2. Banana topping: 
The process is complete the same as the strawberry topping, only instead of using strawberries, use 2 large bananas.

Postopek je popolnoma isti, le da namesto jagod uporabimo 4 – 5 žlic Nutelle, in NE dodamo sladkorja, saj je Nutella že dovolj sladka.

Pri nadevu Nutella dam rada povrhu različno sadje, ki je na voljo – najrajši uporabim sveže borovnice, jagode in maline. Nato potresem še nekaj mandljevih lističev. Ta način tortice je meni najljubši. 

3. Nutella topping: 
The process is exactly the same, except that instead of using strawberries, use 4-5 tablespoons of Nutella, and do not add the sugar, Nutella is sweet enough. 

When I am doing Nutella topping I love get on top different fruits - I prefers to use fresh blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. Then sprinkle some almond leaves. This method of cakes is my favorite. 

Pri jagodnem in bananinem nadevu pa povrhu polijem še čokoladno glazuro. Za to uporabim 100 g jedilne čokolade, ki jo raztopim nad paro, in po potrebi dodam košček masla. To je vsa umetnost. 

Vse skupaj pripravim kar v modelu za torte, kot se vidi na slikah spodaj. Nato daste torto v hladilnik za minimalno 2 uri. Preprosto in okusno.
To je način, kako pripravim jaz, vsak pa lahko eksperimentira po svoje.

In the case of strawberry and banana topping, I spill on top of the cake even a chocolate glaze. For this I use 100g plain chocolate, melt it over steam, and if is necessary, I add a bit of butter. This is all. 

All together I prepare in the model for the cake, as seen in the pictures below. Then give the cake in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Simple and delicious. 
This is how I prepare myself, each can experiment on their own. 

Dober tek! 
Bon appetit!
